Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Lent & savoring Jesus

Well, if you made it through my last on Lent then you are more up to speed on where I left off. Along with pursuing these things with my friends previously mentioned, I also invited my team here in DF to pray about whether they wd. like to participate with me in some way in this; and on Thursday they all shared specific things they are giving up for His closeness, as well as specific things they will be doing. It was really a neat and encouraging time to listen to the things they are giving up for our sweet Jesus, things that are precious to their hearts and are going to stretch them. I am smiling thinking of it even now. I am so proud of my friends and their courage.

Through prayer & consideration here is what I decided to do:
What I am giving up/fasting from:
+ I am giving up all films for the next 40 days. I love watching movies and know that there are days when I haven't spent time with God, but I take time to watch a movie, and I want to give that up to be closer to Him. (Also, because there are 4 ten day periods, I am going to add something every 10 days to surrender or fast from—probably things like playstation, watching any tv, and listening to music). I know they may seem small, but movies and music are near and dear to my heart and every time I think of going to a movie, it will remind me how much more worthy of my affections Jesus is, and I hope it spurs me on to delight and trust in Him more.

What I am committing to do:
+ Do an Examen Of Conscience every night before going to bed/or in the morning when I wake up (this involves the following method: 1) Be still for a moment and quiet your mind. 2) Consider God's presence around you. 3) Go back in your mind to when you first woke up today/yesterday. Watch the scene, as if on film. This may lead you to pray for patience, greater love, courage, or other things. 4) Continue through the day, going from scene to scene. As you reflect on them, some scenes may fill you with gratitude and others with regret. Write down some thoughts about this and bring it to the Lord. You also may be led to pray for some of the people you were interacting with during the day. 5) Honestly, what do you want or need from God at this moment?)
+ Take Tuesday evenings and spend an extended time with the Lord in reflection, meditation, reading, and prayer.
+ Asking God to make me a person who is clothed in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Col. 3:12).

I know there are things God needs to change in me and things I need to die to. As Nouwen said above, "There is so much in me that needs to die: false attachments, greed and anger, impatience and stinginess.... I see clearly now how little I have died with you, really gone your way and been faithful to it. O Lord, make this Lenten season different from the other ones. Let me find you again. Amen."

Growing up I wd. hear people say that they gave up a specific food for Lent, like chocolate, and I never really understood what it was all about. I mean, I knew it was about going without something before Easter, but I didn't catch the heart of it in that phrase, "I gave up chocolate FOR Lent." And if people ask me why I won't go to a film with them I want to show them the heart of the matter. I want to show them that Jesus is supremely valuable and worth fighting for. That He is the treasure of my heart and that ""I gave up watching films for 40 days to savor Jesus more than His gifts." This is the heart behind Lent. Not giving up something for a concept, but giving up something so that we can savor Jesus more above all things.

And so, for people who don't know much about this practice, I don't want them to need to wonder. I want them to know that Jesus is worth me sacrificing little things as well as great, and worth giving up things like films and music and chocolate. And that He is worthy of me fighting to make Him the champion of my heart.

Like Nouwen's prayer, I pray you find our sweet Jesus again and in finding Him anew and afresh, you will savor what you find above all else. In His presence is fullness of joy; at His right hand there are pleasures forever (Ps. 16:11)!

Pressing on to know Him more with you (Hosea 6:3).


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